Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family Practice does not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation or appearance, disability or medical condition. The practice premises are suitable for disabled patients.
All new patients will be given a health questionnaire to complete and will be required to make an appointment with Health Care Assistant or Practice Nurse for a ‘new patient health check’; this is part of the registration process.
New patients on repeat medication must have an initial appointment with the doctor for this to be authorised and thereafter will be reviewed in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.
New patients will be assigned a GP upon registration and advised of the name of their registered doctor.
The practice operates an open list. Anyone living in our practice area can join us regardless of age, personal circumstances or medical problems.
To register on line fill out our registration form
Download the PRF1 registration form. Please bring the completed form back to the surgery.
Download our New Patient Questionnaire (DOCX, 39KB) Please bring the completed form back to the surgery.
Find your NHS number
Named Accountable GP information